Depth-resolved ("Layer") fMRI

This course is designed for researchers interested in developing and enhancing their skills of depth-resolved fMRI. 

This is a hands-on course that aims to discuss all practical steps of a layer-fMRI study and to enable participants to perform state-of-the art analysis. Participants, will learn from a working group of experts a collection of commonly applied pipelines to analyze depth-resolved fMRI data, jointly work on a shared datasets to exemplify high quality analysis and commonly encountered pitfalls, and get hands-on experience for acquiring data with sub-millimeter resolution at some of the best scanners in the world.

Coordinator: Luca Vizioli and Laurentius Huber

Training Faculty: Laurentius Huber, Yulia Lazarova, Anna Izabella Blazejewska, Cheryl Olman, Luca Vizioli



Program Syllabus 

Day 1

Session 1: data acquisition at 7TAS (60 mins each)

Session 2: data acquisition at 10.5T ( 60 mins each)

Day 2

People in the Seminar room switching out to the Terrarium conference room