Hardware and Engineering
This course is designed for all researchers interested in learning about MR hardware (RF coil arrays and electronics), multi-nuclear imaging, parallel transmission, and RF safety issues at high-field imaging.
Coordinator: Gregor Adriany and Yigitcan Eryaman
Training Faculty: Gregor Adriany, Edward Auerbach, Alexander Bratch, Lance Delabarre, Yigitcan Eryaman, Taylor Froelich, Andrea Grant, Mike Garwood, Steve Jungst, Russell Lagore, Greg Metzger, Alireza Sadeghi-Tarakameh, Simon Schmidt, Matt Waks, Hannes Wiesner, Xiaoping Wu, and Nur Izzati Huda Zulkarnain
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of MR physics, electromagnetic theory, RF electronics and measurement devices.
Terrarium conference room (until Lunch on Day 2).
Q&A session on day 2 is hosted in the room next to the main kitchen.
All breakfasts, coffee breaks and lunches are served in the second-floor lobby outside the seminar room.
Fireside chat with Kamil is hosted in the courtyard if weather permits; otherwise, the chat is hosted in the second-floor lobby outside the seminar room.
Social hour with light dinner is hosted in the second-floor lobby outside the seminar room.
Program Syllabus
Day 1
8:30 Registration/Breakfast
9:00 Introduction
9:10 System Overview - High Channel Count Systems for UHF (Eddie Auerbach)
9:40 Introduction UHF coils for 7T and 10.5T (Gregor Adriany)
10:15 Electromagnetic Modeling of RF Coils (Alireza Sadeghi-Tarakameh)
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 Multi-Channel Tx Arrays for UHF MRI (Matt Waks)
11:30 Multi-Channel Rx Arrays and Rx Electronics (Russel Lagore)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Parallel lab sessions
Session 1: MR Pre-Scan for Temperature Prediction Around Metallic Devices at 3T (Nur Izzati Huda Zulkarnain, Alireza Sadeghi Tarakameh, Yigitcan Eryaman)
Session 2: RF Coil Building and Electronics Measurements at Electronics Lab (Russell Lagore, Matt Waks, Steve Jungst)
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Parallel Transmission Pulse Design (Xiaoping Wu)
16:00 Multi Nuclear Imaging at UHF (Hannes Wiesner)
16:30 How we got here – Q&A
17:30 Fireside chat with Dr. Kamil Ugurbil
18:30 Social hour with light dinner
Day 2
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Body Imaging at UHF (Greg Metzger, Simon Schmidt)
9:30 MR Safety with Implants (Yigitcan Eryaman)
10:00 Safety approval procedures at CMRR for UHF-MRI (Andrea Grant)
10:30 Coffee Break
10:45 Parallel lab sessions
Session 1: Overall CMRR Technical Tour (Except 10.5T) (Lance Delabarre, Gregor Adriany)
Session 2: pTx Demonstration at 10.5T (Simon Schmidt, Greg Metzger)
Switch out from the Terrarium and store personal belongings in the next-door consent room.
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Parallel lab sessions
Session 1: pTx Demonstration at 7TAS (Eddie Auerbach)
Session 2: Portable Magnet Demonstration (Taylor Froelich, Mike Garwood)
15:45 Coffee Break
16:00 Parallel lab sessions
Session 1: SAR Mapping at the RF Safety Lab (Nur Izzati Huda Zulkarnain, Alireza Sadeghi Tarakameh, Yigitcan Eryaman)
Session 2: SKOPE Demonstration at 7T Terra (Alexander Bratch, Xiaoping Wu)
18:00 Where do we go from here – final Q&A (hosted in the room next to main kitchen)
18:30 Social hour with light dinner